Date Range Picker
Facilitates the selection of date ranges through an input and calendar-based interface.
<!-- <script lang="ts">
import { type DateRange, DateRangePicker } from "bits-ui";
import { CalendarBlank, CaretLeft, CaretRight } from "$icons/index.js";
import { cn, flyAndScale } from "$lib/utils/index.js";
let value: DateRange | undefined = undefined;
<DateRangePicker.Root bind:value weekdayFormat="short" fixedWeeks={true}>
<div class="flex w-full max-w-[320px] flex-col gap-1.5">
<DateRangePicker.Label class="block select-none text-sm font-medium"
>Rental Days</DateRangePicker.Label
class="flex h-input w-full max-w-[320px] select-none items-center rounded-input border border-border-input bg-background px-2 py-3 text-sm tracking-[0.01em] text-foreground focus-within:border-border-input-hover focus-within:shadow-date-field-focus hover:border-border-input-hover"
{#each segments.start as { part, value }}
<div class="inline-block select-none">
{#if part === "literal"}
class="p-1 text-muted-foreground"
class="rounded-5px px-1 py-1 hover:bg-muted focus:bg-muted focus:text-foreground focus-visible:!ring-0 focus-visible:!ring-offset-0 aria-[valuetext=Empty]:text-muted-foreground"
<div aria-hidden class="px-1 text-muted-foreground">–</div>
{#each segments.end as { part, value }}
<div class="inline-block select-none">
{#if part === "literal"}
class="p-1 text-muted-foreground"
class="rounded-5px px-1 py-1 hover:bg-muted focus:bg-muted focus:text-foreground focus-visible:!ring-0 focus-visible:!ring-offset-0 aria-[valuetext=Empty]:text-muted-foreground"
class="ml-auto inline-flex size-8 items-center justify-center rounded-[5px] text-foreground/60 transition-all hover:bg-muted active:bg-dark-10"
<CalendarBlank class="size-6" />
<DateRangePicker.Content sideOffset={6} transition={flyAndScale} class="z-50">
class="mt-6 rounded-15px border border-dark-10 bg-background-alt p-[22px] shadow-popover"
<DateRangePicker.Header class="flex items-center justify-between">
class="inline-flex size-10 items-center justify-center rounded-9px bg-background-alt transition-all hover:bg-muted active:scale-98"
<CaretLeft class="size-6" />
<DateRangePicker.Heading class="text-[15px] font-medium" />
class="inline-flex size-10 items-center justify-center rounded-9px bg-background-alt transition-all hover:bg-muted active:scale-98"
<CaretRight class="size-6" />
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-4 pt-4 sm:flex-row sm:space-x-4 sm:space-y-0">
{#each months as month}
<DateRangePicker.Grid class="w-full border-collapse select-none space-y-1">
<DateRangePicker.GridRow class="mb-1 flex w-full justify-between">
{#each weekdays as day}
class="w-10 rounded-md text-xs !font-normal text-muted-foreground"
<div>{day.slice(0, 2)}</div>
{#each month.weeks as weekDates}
<DateRangePicker.GridRow class="flex w-full">
{#each weekDates as date}
class="relative m-0 size-10 overflow-visible !p-0 text-center text-sm focus-within:relative focus-within:z-20"
"group relative inline-flex size-10 items-center justify-center overflow-visible whitespace-nowrap rounded-9px border border-transparent bg-background bg-transparent p-0 text-sm font-normal text-foreground transition-all hover:border-foreground focus-visible:!ring-foreground data-[disabled]:pointer-events-none data-[outside-month]:pointer-events-none data-[highlighted]:rounded-none data-[selection-end]:rounded-9px data-[selection-start]:rounded-9px data-[highlighted]:bg-muted data-[selected]:bg-muted data-[selection-end]:bg-foreground data-[selection-start]:bg-foreground data-[selected]:font-medium data-[selection-end]:font-medium data-[selection-start]:font-medium data-[disabled]:text-foreground/30 data-[selected]:text-foreground data-[selection-end]:text-background data-[selection-start]:text-background data-[unavailable]:text-muted-foreground data-[unavailable]:line-through data-[selection-start]:focus-visible:ring-2 data-[selection-start]:focus-visible:!ring-offset-2 data-[selected]:[&:not([data-selection-start])]:[&:not([data-selection-end])]:rounded-none data-[selected]:[&:not([data-selection-start])]:[&:not([data-selection-end])]:focus-visible:border-foreground data-[selected]:[&:not([data-selection-start])]:[&:not([data-selection-end])]:focus-visible:!ring-0 data-[selected]:[&:not([data-selection-start])]:[&:not([data-selection-end])]:focus-visible:!ring-offset-0"
class="absolute top-[5px] hidden size-1 rounded-full bg-foreground transition-all group-data-[today]:block group-data-[selected]:bg-background"
</DateRangePicker.Root> -->
<script lang="ts">
import { DateRangePicker } from "bits-ui";
<DateRangePicker.Label />
<DateRangePicker.Input let:segments>
{#each segments as { part, value }}
<DateRangePicker.Segment {part}>
<DateRangePicker.Trigger />
<DateRangePicker.Calendar let:months let:weekdays>
<DateRangePicker.PrevButton />
<DateRangePicker.Heading />
<DateRangePicker.NextButton />
{#each months as month}
{#each weekdays as day}
{#each month.weeks as weekDates}
{#each weekDates as date}
<DateRangePicker.Cell {date}>
<DateRangePicker.Day {date} month={month.value} />
API Reference
The root date picker component.
Property | Type | Description |
value | DateRange { start: DateValue; end: DateValue; } | The selected date range. Default: —— undefined |
onValueChange | function (date: DateRange | undefined) => void | A function that is called when the selected date changes. Default: —— undefined |
placeholder | DateValue | The placeholder date, which is used to determine what month to display when no date is selected. This updates as the user navigates the calendar, and can be used to programatically control the calendar's view. Default: —— undefined |
onPlaceholderChange | function (date: DateValue) => void | A function that is called when the placeholder date changes. Default: —— undefined |
pagedNavigation | boolean | Whether or not to use paged navigation for the calendar. Paged navigation causes the previous and next buttons to navigate by the number of months displayed at once, rather than by one month. Default: false |
preventDeselect | boolean | Whether or not to prevent the user from deselecting a date without selecting another date first. Default: false |
weekStartsOn | number | The day of the week to start the calendar on. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. Default: 0 |
weekdayFormat | enum 'narrow' | 'short' | 'long' | The format to use for the weekday strings provided via the Default: 'narrow' |
calendarLabel | string | The accessible label for the calendar. Default: —— undefined |
fixedWeeks | boolean | Whether or not to always display 6 weeks in the calendar. Default: false |
isDateDisabled | function (date: DateValue) => boolean | A function that returns whether or not a date is disabled. Default: —— undefined |
isDateUnavailable | function (date: DateValue) => boolean | A function that returns whether or not a date is unavailable. Default: —— undefined |
maxValue | DateValue | The maximum date that can be selected. Default: —— undefined |
minValue | DateValue | The minimum date that can be selected. Default: —— undefined |
locale | string | The locale to use for formatting dates. Default: —— undefined |
numberOfMonths | number | The number of months to display at once. Default: 1 |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the accordion is disabled. Default: false |
readonly | boolean | Whether or not the calendar is readonly. Default: false |
hourCycle | enum 12 | 24 | The hour cycle to use for formatting times. Defaults to the locale preference Default: —— undefined |
granularity | enum 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' | The granularity to use for formatting the field. Defaults to Default: —— undefined |
hideTimeZone | boolean | Whether or not to hide the time zone segment of the field. Default: false |
validationId | string | The id of your validation message element, if any, which will be applied to the Default: —— undefined |
descriptionId | string | The id of your description element, if any, which will be applied to the Default: —— undefined |
disableFocusTrap | boolean | Whether or not to disable the focus trap that is applied to the popover when it's open. Default: false |
preventScroll | boolean | Whether or not to prevent scrolling the body while the popover is open. Default: false |
closeOnOutsideClick | boolean | Whether or not to close the popover when clicking outside of it. Default: true |
closeOnEscape | boolean | Whether or not to close the popover when pressing the escape key. Default: true |
open | boolean | The open state of the link popover component. Default: false |
onOpenChange | function (open: boolean) => void | A callback that fires when the open state changes. Default: —— undefined |
openFocus | FocusProp type FocusTarget = string | HTMLElement | SVGElement | null; | Override the focus when the popover is opened. Default: —— undefined |
closeFocus | FocusProp type FocusTarget = string | HTMLElement | SVGElement | null; | Override the focus when the popover is closed. Default: —— undefined |
portal | union string | HTMLElement | null | undefined | Where to render the popover when it is open. Defaults to the body. Can be disabled by passing Default: —— undefined |
startValue | union DateValue | undefined | The Default: —— undefined |
onOutsideClick | function (event: PointerEvent) => void | A callback function called when a click occurs outside of the element. If Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
months | Month[] import type { DateValue } from "@internationalized/date"; | The current months to display in the calendar. Used to render the calendar. |
weekdays | string[] | The days of the week to display in the calendar, typically used within the table header. |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-invalid | —— | Present on the root element when the calendar is invalid. |
data-disabled | —— | Present on the root element when the calendar is disabled. |
data-readonly | —— | Present on the root element when the calendar is readonly. |
data-calendar-root | —— | Present on the root element. |
The label for the date field.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLSpanElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-invalid | —— | Present on the element when the field is invalid |
data-date-field-label | —— | Present on the element. |
The field input component which contains the segments of the date field.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
segments | object Record<'start' | 'end', { part: SegmentPart; value: string; }[]> | An object containing the start and end segment arrays used to render the start and end segments of the date field. |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-invalid | —— | Present on the element when the field is invalid. |
data-disabled | —— | Present on the element when the field is disabled. |
data-date-field-input | —— | Present on the element. |
A segment of the date field.
Property | Type | Description |
part * Required | SegmentPart 'month' | 'day' | 'year' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'dayPeriod' | 'timeZoneName' | 'literal' | The part of the date to render. Default: —— undefined |
type * Required | enum 'start' | 'end' | The type of field to render (start or end). Default: —— undefined |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-invalid | —— | Present on the element when the field is invalid |
data-disabled | —— | Present on the element when the field is disabled |
data-segment | enum 'month' | 'day' | 'year' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'dayPeriod' | 'timeZoneName' | 'literal' | The type of segment the element represents. |
data-date-field-segment | —— | Present on the element. |
A component which toggles the opening and closing of the popover on press.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLButtonElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-state | enum 'open' | 'closed' | The open state of the link preview. |
data-popover-trigger | —— | Present on the trigger element. |
The contents of the popover which are displayed when the popover is open.
Property | Type | Description |
transition | function (node: Element, params?: any) => TransitionConfig | A Svelte transition function to use when transitioning the content in and out. Default: —— undefined |
transitionConfig | TransitionConfig | The configuration to apply to the transition. Default: —— undefined |
inTransition | function (node: Element, params?: any) => TransitionConfig | A Svelte transition function to use when transitioning the content in and out. Default: —— undefined |
inTransitionConfig | TransitionConfig | The configuration to apply to the transition. Default: —— undefined |
outTransition | function (node: Element, params?: any) => TransitionConfig | A Svelte transition function to use when transitioning the content in and out. Default: —— undefined |
outTransitionConfig | TransitionConfig | The configuration to apply to the transition. Default: —— undefined |
side | enum 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | The preferred side of the anchor to render against when open. Will be reversed when collisions occur. Floating UI reference. Default: —— undefined |
sideOffset | number | The amount of offset to apply to the menu's position on the x-axis. Floating UI reference. Default: 0 |
align | enum 'start' | 'center' | 'end' | The preferred alignment of the anchor to render against when open. Floating UI reference. Default: —— undefined |
alignOffset | number | An offset in pixels from the 'start' or 'end' alignment options. Floating UI reference. Default: 0 |
avoidCollisions | boolean | When Default: true |
collisionBoundary | union 'clippingAncestors' | Element | Array<Element> | Rect | A boundary element or array of elements to check for collisions against. Floating UI reference. Default: —— undefined |
collisionPadding | number | The amount in pixels of virtual padding around the viewport edges to check for overflow which will cause a collision. Floating UI reference. Default: 0 |
fitViewport | boolean | Whether the floating element should be constrained to the viewport. Floating UI reference. Default: false |
sameWidth | boolean | Whether the content should be the same width as the trigger. Floating UI reference. Default: false |
strategy | enum 'absolute' | 'fixed' | The positioning strategy to use for the floating element. Floating UI reference. Default: absolute |
overlap | boolean | Whether the floating element can overlap the reference element. Floating UI reference. Default: false |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-state | enum 'open' | 'closed' | The open state of the popover. |
data-popover-content | —— | Present on the content element. |
The calendar component containing the grids of dates.
Slot Property | Type | Description |
months | Month[] import type { DateValue } from "@internationalized/date"; | The current months to display in the calendar. Used to render the calendar. |
weekdays | string[] | The days of the week to display in the calendar, typically used within the table header. |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-invalid | —— | Present on the root element when the calendar is invalid. |
data-disabled | —— | Present on the root element when the calendar is disabled. |
data-readonly | —— | Present on the root element when the calendar is readonly. |
data-calendar-root | —— | Present on the root element. |
The header of the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object Record<string, string> | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-header | —— | Present on the header element. |
The previous button of the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLButtonElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-prev-button | —— | Present on the prev button element. |
The heading of the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
headingValue | string | The heading value. |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-heading | —— | Present on the heading element. |
The next button of the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLButtonElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-next-button | —— | Present on the next button element. |
The grid of dates in the calendar, typically representing a month.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLTableElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-grid | —— | Present on the grid element. |
A row in the grid of dates in the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLTableRowElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object Record<string, string> | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-grid-row | —— | Present on the grid row element. |
The head of the grid of dates in the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLTableSectionElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object Record<string, string> | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-grid-head | —— | Present on the grid head element. |
A cell in the head of the grid of dates in the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLTableCellElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object Record<string, string> | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-head-cell | —— | Present on the head cell element. |
The body of the grid of dates in the calendar.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLTableSectionElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object Record<string, string> | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-calendar-grid-body | —— | Present on the grid body element. |
A cell in the calendar grid.
Property | Type | Description |
date | DateValue | The date for the cell. Default: —— undefined |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLTableCellElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object Record<string, string> | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-disabled | —— | Present on the element when the date is disabled. |
data-calendar-cell | —— | Present on the cell element. |
A day in the calendar grid.
Property | Type | Description |
date | DateValue | The date for the cell. Default: —— undefined |
month | DateValue | The current month the date is being displayed in. Default: —— undefined |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default: false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default: —— undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the date is disabled. |
unavailable | boolean | Whether or not the date is unavailable. |
selected | boolean | Whether or not the date is selected. |
builder | object { [k: string]: any; action: Action | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-disabled | —— | Present on the element when the date is disabled. |
data-selected | —— | Present on the element when the date is selected. |
data-unavailable | —— | Present on the element when the date is unavailable. |
data-value | —— | The date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
data-today | —— | Present on the element when the date is today. |
data-outside-month | —— | Present on the element when the date is outside the current month. |
data-outside-visible-months | —— | Present on the element when the date is outside the visible months. |
data-selection-start | —— | Present on the element when the date is the start of the selection. |
data-selection-end | —— | Present on the element when the date is the end of the selection. |
data-highlighted | —— | Present on the element when the date is in the range as its still being selected. |
data-focused | —— | Present on the element when the date is focused. |
data-calendar-day | —— | Present on the day element. |